Monday, May 5, 2014

Too Much, Too Soon

Once again I find myself making excuses for not posting anything new to this blog for awhile, but as you read this you will understand why.  Losing our dear BooBoo was devastating, but somewhat expected since she was a twenty year old cat.  Saturday, less than two months after losing BooBoo, we lost our dear Zeus who was only thirteen.
As is my tradition, I want to focus on and remember Zeus for all the joy he brought into our lives before I talk about how we came to lose him.  He came into our lives unexpectedly as is often the case with Crazy Cat People.  We had lost our dear Snuggles on Memorial Day in 2001 and I was under strict orders (snort) that we would not be getting another cat for awhile. 
 Well, Michael was out of town and my daughter Hayley and I were having a Saturday outing in honor of her 15th birthday.  Our first stop was Petsmart to buy cat food and of course it was kitten adoption day.  Hayley, who was allergic to cats and lived with her Dad, fell in love with a small white and orange kitten.  She immediately set in begging for me to adopt it and for a while, at least while we had lunch at the local Macaroni Grill, I resisted her pleas.  Finally, I agreed that we would return to adopt the kitten with two conditions: one, that it was still there, and two, if her Dad would agree to have the kitten stay with them while Michael and I were out of town. So, we went back to Petsmart and……the kitten had been adopted. So, I should have been off the hook but Hayley came upon another orange kitten that needed a home.  He was a bit older than the other tiny ball of fur, but was engaging and affectionate so he became our cat.
Zeus was always a sweet cat, but more than that, he was like a reincarnation of our Snuggles and our love for him was immediate and complete.  He was always a bit on the bazaar side, racking up any number of nick names as the years went by. 
His first was Bump nose.  Evidently he, the most uncoordinated cat we had ever seen, had run smack into the wall had a huge bump on his nose.  Shortly after that he developed a fungal infection between his toes earning him the name Grizzle foot. As the years went by, our bond with him became very strong, especially mine for he loved his Mom in a special way. Most of our cats tend to be more drawn to Michael because he has a far calmer demeanor, but Zeus, was always a Mama’s Boy.
Zeus was unfortunately was never a particularly healthy cat. Beyond being accident prone, he developed severe allergies at a young age and had terrible problems with his teeth and gums. For years, we managed his health problems one way or the other, loving him all the more.
Our move to Texas in 2009 proved to be less than optimal for Zeus. The allergies which had plagued him so in Virginia were much, much worse in Texas.  That alone would have been bad enough for the little guy, but he was also experiencing severe discomfort from his bad teeth and gums.  After numerous treatment attempts to make him more comfortable including monthly antibiotic and steroid shots, he developed tumors at the injection site and we had to have them removed.  At that point one of our vets suggested we simply remove his teeth, so that’s exactly what we did in February 2013.  I know that seems a bit extreme, but after that surgery he gained weight and was not in pain.
Zeus had more than his share of issues, but he was happiest when he was cuddling up to me which was any time I was sitting or reclining anywhere.  The fact that he always had a runny nose and sometimes stepped in poo in the liter box earned him the nick names Mr. Boogies and Poopie Toes.  But I loved him so I didn’t mind constantly wiping his little pink nose or sticking him in the bathroom sink to wash his paws.
I think that the number of compromising conditions finally got the best of my little man and his decline was far too fast and death came far too soon. I knew he was dying, but I still wanted to believe we could perhaps have a little miracle so I could cherish him just a bit longer.  That was not to be and when I kissed his sweet head and put him in his bed Saturday night; I somehow knew that he would be gone by morning.  I awoke during the night feeling quite ill and decided that I would not go check on him and when morning came, I was hesitant to leave the bedroom because I knew in my heart what I would find.
He was still in his bed and he was gone from us.  Today, I felt his absence profoundly.  There was no cat trying to sit in my lap while I read the paper; no nose to wipe, just a silent emptiness in the room which leaves me feeling incomplete.  Zeus was my little guy and I will mourn him deeply until I too take my last breath.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Diane, this just makes me cry. He was your buddy and I'm sure he held on till he could endure no more, so he could stay with his mom. He sounds so much like Norman. Norman also has bad teeth and has had 3 removed. When we found him, his rib was broke and nothing they can do for that, so he has the "love bump" on his side. He is a total mommy's boy and insists on sleeping under the covers at night, only to stick his claws in my arm with each purr! My heart goes out to you and Michael, I know how deeply you love your furry friends.
