Saturday, December 28, 2013

Food Fetishes

Anyone who has ever shared their home with a cat has experienced finicky-ness.  Cats just like humans have their favorite dishes and in our house that usually means something expensive that comes in a small can.  Keeping in mind that we are feeding ten cats, we try to not indulge this more than once a day.  Hermes prefers Fancy Feast dry food to any canned varieties, and all but a couple of our cats hate Nine Lives Super Supper which Michael refers to as consisting of “anuses and bone ash.” 

Boo Boo who at 19 ½ is alarmingly skinny, begs for food anytime she isn’t sleeping making us wonder where it all goes. The other food peculiarity is that none of our cats like any canned food that is shredded or has morsals.   They will only lick the gravy off and leave all of the solid pieces behind.  While I try to never buy any of these, my old tired eyes sometimes misread the label or we get them in a case that has other types of food as well.  One solution that often works is pureeing them in my bullet blender into a uniform cat soup.  Reading over this I once again see why I truly am a Crazy Cat Person.

Yesterday, we made our quarterly expedition to the Commissary (I am a retired Army Officer) and we were pleased to find Nine Lives Tuna on the shelf.  Those who have cats that ravenously devour this food know how hard it is to find.  I immediately and greedily added every can on the shelf into my cart!

I also, on a whim, picked up a container of fresh chicken livers and added it to the cart.  After returning home and putting away the perishables, I decided to cut some up for Boo Boo.  She immediately dove in, loudly smacking the whole time and ate every bit.  SCORE!  These disgusting things were only $1.49 a pint and she alone loves them. Hey, they are 100% natural and cheap, how can this be happening? 

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