Michael and I never considered ourselves Crazy Cat People until the number of cats in our family exceeded six. I no longer believe the number of cats you share your home with is the only factor to be considered. Certainly, folks who have as many or more than we do probably qualify, but we think that some of the following things and certainly a combination of them earns you a place in the Crazy Cat Person Hall of Fame.
Your cats have middle names.
Your cats have their own sound tracks.
When you do the math you realize that you
could send a child or two to college on what you spend on your cats.
Your Vet’s number is on speed dial.
There is no limit to the number of cans of
cat food you will open to find something to suit them all.
All of your plans including vacations and
dinner out are impacted by the needs of your cats.
You have a sacred grove dedicated to them
on your property.
Your cats have their own Facebook page or website.
Your cats have their own Facebook page or website.
You share food with them, off the same
You deliberate longer over naming new cats
than some people do over naming their children.
They have more toys than the average first
You have set up a memorial area for those
that have passed away.
You have more litter pans in the house than
you have toilets.
You spend enough on air fresheners that you
should own stock in Glade and Airwick.
You pause your favorite TV shows to watch
whatever ridiculous activity they are involved in.
You feel guilty if you eat dinner before
they do and still share yours with them even when you don’t.
You find yourself looking for somewhere
else to sit when a cat is in your favorite chair.
You happily spend a couple of hours every
day cleaning up after them.
You have cat hair tumbleweeds rolling around
your house during warm weather, even though you vacuum every day.
People stare when you wear dark clothing,
lint rollers can only help so much.
You own several silly t-shirts and a
nightshirt or two featuring cats wearing ridiculous outfits.
No matter what you are doing, you get up
every five minutes to let a cat in or out.
You suffer from leg cramps because there
are so many cats in your bed that you can’t straighten your legs.
You spend too much time accounting for them
all each night before you retire and search frantically for any unaccounted for.
You step in cat yak with your bare feet at
least twice a week.
You have turned on the shower just so a cat
could play in the water, and then dried them off afterward.
You added a special cabinet just to store cat
food and have a junk drawer devoted to combs, brushes, nail clippers, meds,
There is not a single place in your house
that is off limits, including the dining room table.
You feed some of your cats on the kitchen
Your cats have holiday collars, you have
the pictures to prove it!
You own a Crazy Cat Lady coffee mug and are
proud of it.
Everytime a stray cat turns up in your
neighborhood someone brings it to you to see if it is “one of yours” and if it
isn’t it usually will be.
You carry cat treats with you “just in
You find yourself singing silly made up
songs to your cats.
You have a grown child who is horribly
allergic to cats and you tell them to load up on drugs before they visit.
You have a pet cemetery in your back yard,
with monuments.
You start a blog proudly proclaiming
yourself a Crazy Cat Person.